Acclaimed percussionist and Artistic Director of Ensemble Offspring, Claire Edwardes sits down with flautist Lamorna Nightingale to discuss their careers and musical collaborations.
Describing themselves as 'Sydney's musical mavericks', Ensemble Offspring is a small chamber ensemble of innovative instrumentalists. They champion the work of established and emerging composers and in 2021 presented 'Composing Songlines' in the Utzon Room of the Sydney Opera House, which celebrated the unique work of Australian First Nations composers . Lamorna and Claire discuss the importance of their collaborations with First Nations composers and what they have learnt through the process.
Up Next in Season 1
Side By Side - Effie & Mary Coustas
Logie award-winning writer and actor Mary Coustas chats with her alter-ego Effie about the premiere of her upcoming one-woman show This Is Personal at the Sydney Opera House. Effie is not appearing in This Is Personal, nor does she have a show at the Sydney Opera House, she would like to know why...